These are general instructions and are designed to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment experience. Your physicians instructions may differ from these. Please follow his/her specific instructions.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight and the night before your procedure. If you are using split dose colon prep follow those instructions as written. Take your medications as directed.
Please bring a list of medications you are taking or bring all your medications, with you the day of the procedure. This includes herbal supplements, vitamins and any over the counter medications you may take on a regular basis.
You may brush your teeth the morning of the procedure, do not swallow any water.
Please arrange for someone to drive you home. No taxis, no exceptions. Your physician will speak with you about your driver, if authorized, before your discharge. You will not be allowed to drive after sedation
Follow instructions on your prep sheet. Call your physician if you have no results or unable to complete the prep. The center nurse will call 1-3 days prior to discuss your preparation with you and give you information about the Center.
Valuables and jewelry should be left at home. Bring your picture ID and your insurance cards. You may have a co-pay or deductible.
Wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes. A gown will be provided for your procedure. You should be at the center for 1-3 hours. Sometimes patients that are before you may need more procedure time with the physician and the schedule may run later. The center can be cold for those waiting suggest they bring a sweater.